Setting up an ODROID N2

I wanted a machine with more memory to be the master node for my ARM k3s cluster. I had an Odroid N2 with 4GB of RAM, sitting around, so here’s the log of getting it installed and running. ...

March 29, 2020 · 2 min · 290 words · Me

Trying K3s on ARM, Part 1

Why k3s and not stick with k8s? I wanted to experiment with k3s. They package everything you need in a single binary, don’t package in deprecated parts of k8s, and it works on Intel, ARMv7 and ARM64. It seemed like it’d be a less painful way to runn Kubernetes on my ARM cluster. ...

August 9, 2019 · 4 min · 849 words · Me

Adding a Distributed Filesystem to the Cluster

One of the reasons I set up my cluster was that I’m running out of space on my NAS. I don’t want to buy a whole new chassis, and while I could have put individual file shares on each cluster node, that would be both inconvenient and not provide any data redundancy without a lot of brittle home-rolled hacks to rsync data from node to node. And since distributed file systems are a thing, I’d rather not resort to hacks. ...

June 23, 2019 · 5 min · 1025 words · Me

Getting an ARM kubernetes cluster up and running

I recently decided to set up a Kubernetes cluster in my basement, partly because I’d never set a cluster up from scratch by myself, and partly because my existing NAS was beginning to run out of headroom. ...

February 17, 2019 · 7 min · 1419 words · Me