Get your money from the Equifax settlement regarding the 2017 security breach.

Your settlement options are to take a few months of their shitty credit monitoring that costs them nothing to provide, or to collect $125 you can spend anywhere on things that are actually of value to you.

In addition to the $125, if you spent up to 10 hours doing things like resetting all your passwords, setting up credit freezes, checking your bank accounts, credit cards, stock trading sites & etc for fraudulent transactions, you can get some extra money to compensate you for all that wasted time without having to submit paperwork to them about it. If you wasted more than 10 hours dealing with the fallout from their incompetence, you’ll have to submit paperwork for the extra hours.

What I really want is an option of “never collect any data about me again you incompetent assholes, and delete all the data you have on me now”, but I had to settle for cash.