Adding the Plex integration to Home Assistant is pretty straightforward with the exception of finding your Plex token.

Find Your Plex token:

  1. Sign into your account
  2. Browse to one of the media files (TV episode, movie) on your connected server. You’ll need a Plex pass for this.
  3. Select Get info
  4. Click View XML
  5. Ignore the XML. Look in the URL to the XML page - you’ll see Plex-Token\=XYZZY. That’s the token you’ll need.

Set up the Plex Home Assistant Integration

Once you have the token,

  1. Sign into your Home Assistant
  2. Go to Configuration -> Integrations
  3. Pick Add, and select Plex.
  4. Pick the manual setup option
  5. Enter your Plex server’s address and the token.