Backing Up the Cluster with Duplicacy

Motivation I wanted to ensure any data I put into my ARM k3s cluster is backed up to prevent data loss. I no longer recommend duplicacy. Instead, read my article on restic backups on TrueNas instead. ...

September 1, 2019 · 10 min · 2087 words · Me

Growing EBS Volumes in Place

Yesterday I had to grow a live filesystem on a server in EC2, without downtime. I do this just infrequently enough to not quite remember all the details without poking around the internet, so I’m documenting it all in one place. ...

August 20, 2019 · 2 min · 276 words · Me

Trying K3s on ARM, Part 1

Why k3s and not stick with k8s? I wanted to experiment with k3s. They package everything you need in a single binary, don’t package in deprecated parts of k8s, and it works on Intel, ARMv7 and ARM64. It seemed like it’d be a less painful way to runn Kubernetes on my ARM cluster. ...

August 9, 2019 · 4 min · 849 words · Me

Equifax 2017 Breach Settlement Information

Get your money from the Equifax settlement regarding the 2017 security breach. ...

July 27, 2019 · 1 min · 172 words · Me

Adding a Distributed Filesystem to the Cluster

One of the reasons I set up my cluster was that I’m running out of space on my NAS. I don’t want to buy a whole new chassis, and while I could have put individual file shares on each cluster node, that would be both inconvenient and not provide any data redundancy without a lot of brittle home-rolled hacks to rsync data from node to node. And since distributed file systems are a thing, I’d rather not resort to hacks. ...

June 23, 2019 · 5 min · 1025 words · Me